Shared Lists Between Spouses

How do you share your Shopping lists, ToDo lists, Movies to See Lists, other lists with your spouse? In this fast paced life, its getting more crucial to have shared lists so that a couple can tackle things efficiently.

Previously me and Dimple were using paper notes, electronic notes (via notepad, etc) and even a custom software on our website to access and share ToDo lists and other lists. Recently we have installed an app “Wunderlist” on our phones. And we use that to share different kinds of lists. Its working good till now with notifications sent to other spouse whenever something gets added or completed. We are using the free version. There are other apps also of course.

Do you use something similar? If so what do you use? Will be good to know of similar apps or software.


  1. +1 for wunderlist. Now its been acquired by Microsoft, I see outlook integration coming soon as well 🙂

  2. Few of my colleagues use the Sunrise Calendar App on Iphone/Samsung. I have not used it.

  3. Paresh & I use COZI . One can share calender, events, reminders,grocery list…. These are the features that I have been using the most !


    Me and Asha use “Todoist”. I found this to be very efficient. We’ll try out “wunderlist”.

  5. For this summer’s multi-faceted, multi-tiered, multi-dated, multi-airline, multi-continental family trip to Asia, we used Evernote to share lists amongst the family.

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