KutchValley has many WhatsApp Groups. Here is the list sorted by number of participants in descending order (More participants does not mean more chat activity though 🙂 ).
1) KutchValley Medavo: This is the general KutchValley group for discussion and info sharing on anything under the sun. About 194 members.
2) KV Sakhi : An exclusive group for KV Females. About 127 females on it.
3) Finance, investments : All about stocks and finance. About 121 members.
4) KV Strikers : For those interested in playing some sporting activity on weekends (volleyball, badminton,etc). About 78 members.
5) KV Fitness : For fitness buffs. About 69 people on it.
6) KV DIY : For those interested in Do-It-Yourself activities including home improvement projects. About 53 members.
7) KV Cricket Chat : For those interested in discussing anything about cricket all over the world. About 36 members.
8) KViketeers : Our cricket team which plays in JCNC tournaments and some times practices within itself. About 27 people.
9) KV Milpitas: KV folks who stay in Milpitas or very near to Milpitas. About 26 people.
10) KV Fremont : KV Fremont Females. Â About 23 people.
11) KV Boston: KV Folks who have moved here from Boston. About 23 members.
12) KV Walk The Talk : A group of KV Walkers who use fitbit and other devices to track their daily steps. About 20 members.
13) KV Garba Lovers : KVites who love Garba. Abuot 48 members.
Indicate via commenting below if you are interested in joining any of the above WhatsApp groups. If you have a KV WhatsApp group which is open to KV janta then please let us know as well.
I am interested in joining KutchValley Medavo and KV Strikers WhatsApp groups. My number is 781.413.1189. Thank you.
-Shardule Shah