Ideas for KV Events in 2015

Hopefully KVites had a good 2014 with KV events and made some new friends within KV. Time to pitch in for some Ideas for 2015. All of them may not be doable in 2015 but no harm in dreaming and bouncing off ideas. If you have an idea for a KV wide Event, gather a small team and go for it. :-).

Some of the things that I would like to see happen would be things that we have not done before or have not done as frequently.

My List is Below. Some of them have been inspired by actual events that have taken place outside of KV.

1) KV Board Game Bash :
Bring your board games and face off against each other in various games for couple of hours. Good way to get kids also back in the Board Game mood. We all need time away from our “devices” and enjoy some old fashioned fun. 🙂

2) KV Treasure Hunt:
Organize a multi city Treasure Hunt where in teams of 4 people go around doing various tasks. Have a picnic organized at the end point.

3) KV Cricket Match:
With so many Kutchi folks moving to the Bay Area we should be able to accumulate 22 people for a nice 10 or 20 overs cricket match. We can also have a short kids match and females match before the big match. Again organize a picnic for the KV spectators.

4) KV Quiz:
Form 4 teams and divide all KVites into those 4 teams. Let them face off in various rounds of Quiz. Everyone will get to participate in one round of a quiz.

5) KV Walkathon:
A general walkathon around Elizabeth Lake.

6) KV Instant Idol:
With the presence of devices like Magic Sing for Karaoke, singing has become more fun. Choose 16 participants who will face off against each other and audience will decide who goes and who stays.

7) KV Volunteers :
We have some folks in KV who are familiar with the various volunteering opportunities available. Be it a painting job for someone in need or doing something for the seniors. We can all pitch in.

What are some of your ideas?


  1. Bowling night

  2. KV Wii competition. Lot of us play Tennis on Wii and it will be good idea to have KWii Tennis Tournament.

    KV TableTennis tournament.

    KV Masala Bhangra – I think Leena did it this year correct … not sure though but since i missed it putting it here 😛

  3. KV Volley Ball tournament – adults, kids – all together. Form mix teams and play it competitively throughout the year or 6/3 months.

    KV Pool Tournament

    KV Painting competition

    KV Karaoke night

    I like the volunteer idea, too

  4. Fund Raiser for an NGO

  5. I second NItul Masala bhangra idea and the idea of volunteering.

  6. KV Recipe throwdown – out of 2-3 dish options, participants can bring their version of a dish. Have a potluck at the end.

    KV Yoga session.

    I also like ideas of volunteering and treasure hunt .

  7. I like the idea of Treasure hunt and would like to help in organizing one. I also like the volunteering and Masala Bhangra. We should plan one event in SF, may be golden gate park, if its feasible.

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