Thursday Think Tank #2

Unscramble the following anagram. (e.g., Cleats. Answer: Castle.)

The following words are really short and simple.
And to make it more easier 🙂

Hint : Each answer is a one-word title of a TV series 🙂 ..

1. Lots

2. More

3. Torso

4. Finders

5. File

6. Sham

7. Sewed

8. Glean

9. Finger


  1. 4. FRIENDS
    5. LIFE
    6. MASH

  2. 7. Weeds
    9. Fringe

  3. 3. Roots

  4. 1. Slot
    2. Rome

  5. Yup Lost is the correct answer for #1 and while angle is correct for #8, the T.V show is Angel.

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