Friday fun with Anagrams

1. He paddled the ___ out into the ___.

2. The pain begins just ___ my ___.

3. The work ___ had to tighten every ___.

4. He ___ from the scene whenever he ___ threatened.

5. She ___ him so much that she was pleased to hear of his ___.

6. I ___ with you and I am ___ to sign the contract.

7. A ___ homes in the area are ___ for commercial use.

8. At ___ there are too many ___ for me to handle.

9. He will ___ ___ reasonable when you apologize.


  1. 1. He paddled the canoe out into the ocean
    2. The pain begins just below my elbow
    3. The work crews had to tighten every screw
    6. I agree with you and I am eager to sign the contract

  2. 4. He flees from the scene whenever he feels threatened

  3. 5. She hated him so much that she was pleased to hear of his death

  4. 7. A ton homes in the area are not for commercial use.

  5. @Prashant, I thought they were all supposed to be 5 letter words.

  6. Sorry, missed that part. 🙂

  7. Great job Samir. Let me know if you need any hints for the last 3 🙂

  8. 8. At times there are too many emits for me to handle

  9. Hiten – Partially correct i.e times is correct, but emits is not 🙂

  10. At times there are too many items for me to handle

  11. A DOZEN homes in the area are ZONED for commercial use.
    He will BEGIN BEING reasonable when you apologize

  12. Yay!! All complete. Good Job Folks. Good Mental Floss for the Brain, Bhavini. 🙂

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