Lately KaVita editions have become bi-weekly, mainly because of lack of content.
Anyone inclined to help meet the milestone of 300th KaVita by Spring Picnic.
Last week was 297th KAVita edition. So 2 weeks from now, it will be 300th KaVita edition (if one comes every Friday from today) till our annual spring picnic on Sun April 27th.
But to make that happen, obviously we need articles/videos/webreads etc
I know lot of you have told me that you will write, but !!!
So here’s a chance for you to contribute and make the 300th edition coincide with spring picnic.
Our 100th KaVita coincided with spring picnic and we had a nice trivia game then.
So it’s time to read all those articles and be ready for another trivia game at the spring picnic 🙂
Don’t worry it was a group Trivia Game. So you don’t need to remember everything on KV 🙂
i.e Whether we meet the 300th edition or not (Game is ON) and hopefully #299 will happen at least by spring picnic !