Home remedies to fight common sickness

Now that autumn is here and the schools have begun in full swing. We all notice that not only our kids but we all catch cold,cough , flu like symptons and kids have cuts, sprains, bruises from outside play( which happens all year round). Wondering what home remedies does everyone try out before switching to allopathy medicine.
Some thing I try and work are:
Cough- sitopaladi with honey, black pepper with honey( for adults), jethimadh

Cough and cold- grated ginger with turmeric and honey.

Cold( specially for young kids)- I take adult white socks( the ones used for sports) fill it up with rice and cloves( 3:1 proportion) and secure it tightly. I microwave this sock for 40 seconds at a time and keep it near the child’s pillow during sleep time. This helps to free up the congestion and soothes him.
Waiting to find out more for cuts and bruises.


  1. Here is an older post which also contains some home remedies.

  2. Madhavi, the socks approach sounds unique. Had not heard of this technique before.

  3. For cold: Applying Nilgiri oil (Eucalyptus) on the soles and ankle of the feet and making them wear full length socks. Also applying nilgiri under the neck and back.

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