The Rise, Fall, Rise of the Joke

Penning down some random thoughts. I remember the mid 1990s when the internet was NEW, email was new. Everyone was excited at the possibilities of free communication. There started a trend where we forwarded jokes to each other via email. We sent online greeting cards to each other. It lasted for a few years. But the beginning of the new century saw this trend die down. The Joke stream started to reduce to a trickle and finally almost died down. Same was with online greeting cards. Now with the advent of Whatsapp and Facebook, the “Joke” has staged a revival. Now a days all WhatsApp groups are full of jokes. Seems like 1996 all over again. Online Greeting Cards have transitioned to a short and sweet Happy Birthday message.
One wonders whether there will be a Fall again for the Joke following the Rise, Fall, Rise. Only Time will Tell. 🙂

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