Quiz Competition by Pune Kutchi Yuva Mandal

The Pune Kutchi Yuva Mandal organizes some event every 2-3 months here. Recently they organized a quiz competition. The overall quiz competition was very well organized and I thought maybe sometime in future KV can also have a quiz competition.

They had divided participants into 4 teams : “Amazing Aryabhatts”, “Brainy Birbals”, “Chatur Chanakyas”, “Electric Einsteins”. They had prepared nice vertical pamphlets for each team. The photo that you see in this post contains all 4 pamphlets. Each team had around 20 people. (Total 4×20 = 80 participants). Each team member was given a colored team band to wear on the forehead. These 20 people from a team were further divided into subgroups of 2 or 3 people based on age. The subgroups from each team would compete against each other in a quiz round.

Each quiz round was divided into 3 subrounds. Subround1 had 2 questions for each team. Subround2 was category round where team will be asked 2 questions from category that they pick from the chits. Subround3 was buzzer round with audio – visual clues. They had managed to buy a buzzer system too. Round2 and Round3 had negative points for wrong answer.

Each quiz round had a winning team but the scores across rounds were also cumulative. So all 4 teams were always excited at end of each round to see which team was ahead in cumulative scores. I was part of the Brainy Birbals and our team stood second overall and we (all 20 people) got a cash prize for being runners up.

Organizing Such a quiz takes lot of preparation and a good quiz master. Anoop Gala who is VP of Engg at Mphasis and has moved from Chicago/Boston did a very well job of quiz master. Reminded me of Deep Nishar. :-). Hopefully KV will be able to organize a quiz competition sometime soon. 🙂

Sample of the quiz:

Me at the event:

Prashant at the quiz


  1. Can you post some sample questions that were asked ?

  2. Updated post with sample video of event and photo of myself at event. 🙂

    Sample questions were :
    1) longest coastline of India (Maharashtra, Kerala, Gujarat, W. Bengal)
    2) The Hindi movie Black was inspired by which person.
    3) First Oscar for India was won by
    4) How many centuries did Sachin score in ODIs and Tests?
    5) What is Ricky Ponting’s pet name?
    6) Identify the instrument playing in this clip
    7) Whose photo is that on the screen
    8) Which country gave the statue of liberty to USA ?
    9) Who won the Indian Idol this year?
    10) Which country is between Nepal and Bhutan?

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