Posting a customary Black friday deal article. 🙂
I am planning to go at 6am on friday though not for doorbuster deals but for my driving class. After mid-night start of deals, what is new this year? What is on your wish list?
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Surprisingly many stores are already offering the Black Friday deals.
Just shopped few gifts from Macy’s BF deals.
BiCycle for Nivriti for sure.
3D Transmission Station for Daddy.
Few Household Electronics.
Saw 2 tents already pitched and 5 folks in line at Best Buys in union City at around 10 am wed morning…Not sure whether there are good deals at BB worth standing in line for like 30+ hours.
My co-worker mentioned that BB is offering 42 inch flat screen for $199… Don’t know much details though.
BF deals not that great anymore. Too much politics everywhere. Plus it is really cold, early, this year. Not worth getting sick over getting door buster deals :). No specific wish list this year for us. Anjali and Miloni went clothes shopping today for about 4 hours. Have to get NXT for Rushabh.
Wait and watch for Fry’s deal. Fry’s have good deal. Oh ya that’s remind me to go and get new paper 🙂