Happy Independence Day

Today India celebrates it’s 64th year of its rebirth. Wishing all Indians a Happy Independence Day. Make this day memorable by writing down one thing to track (good or bad) in or about India that you would like to check on next year and see if it got better or worse. Hopefully this becomes a place for all of us to actively contribute to improve India – one person, one thought, one action at a time. A comment on the ridiculousness of this idea is also valid 🙂


  1. Happy Independence Day!

    Just control Inflation………its really inflated

  2. Happy Independance Day.

    1) I wish Indians stick to their given word. i.e., are “accountable”.

    2) I wish Indians stop throwing garbage at any place. Was very painful to see people throwing things on road, on train tracks, etc. We (PDKS) are holding our stand and refuse to give in. We hold the garbage till we see a garbage can. Why is it that Indians when they go abroad respect the cleanliness of the foreign country but when they are in India they return back to the original behavior. 🙁

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