KV open to having a Religious Activity Event ?
We can have Aastprakari Puja or maybe Bhavna at temple. If you can think of any other activity please feel free to comment.
KV open to having a Religious Activity Event ?
We can have Aastprakari Puja or maybe Bhavna at temple. If you can think of any other activity please feel free to comment.
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I am more up for bhavna or jaap then pujas.
If possible we should choose more up beat songs for bhavna to keep kids & others involved. 🙂
I was also thinking to volunteer during one of the temple cleaning event.
Good initiative Nitul. My take on it is to understand the meaning and the significance of Pujas than merely reciting it.
I agree………wud love to have a basics in Jainism simplified – rite from sratch – once a month session is also good! Answers to basic questions like why can u eat dahi, but no potatoes despite dahi have zillion more micro-organisms than potatoes……
Great initiative Nitul. I assume you are saying religious activity in Q1 2010 and not in 2010 :). We could do little bit of jaap followed by Bhavna. During last years pathshala sleepover Bhavna, they let the kids sing some songs, we also could also let the pathshala going kids to sing the song/stavan they have learnt in their JCNC or KV shala. AshtaPrakari puja is a good idea as well, but given the length of the puja and the no. of younglings in KV, as Dimple pointed out it may be hard to get everyone’s participation and enthusiasm throughout the puja :(.
We can have everything like one time Bhavna, puja, jaap with question/answers…etc ïŠ
We can do’snatra puja’. Kids can participate in puja as well in songs. Snatra puja takes atleast 1 hour, combining with songs by kids can make it interesting for them.To make it more interesting we can dress them like some religous charaters.
For some reason this post lost its momentum…
How about doing Aastprakari Puja on coming Saturday 9/4/2010 or Monday 9/6/2010 ? We all can do Puja together and i can teach/guide kids as to how to do Aastprakari Puja.
Please respond if you or your kids are interested.
Hi Minati, here’s the answer to your question (As per my little knowledge and understanding), Dahi when it is completely firm or i would settled down there are no micro-organism in them, but there are lots of micro-organism in them when its not completely settled.
When you put Butter-Milk (Mervaan) in the Milk, it causes chemical reaction when grow those micro-organism. The life of those micro-organism then take place on its own and per their life cycle to complete their aayushya (birth cycle) and it causes dahi to settle down.
Coming to micro-organism’s in Potato I remember this from my childhood and have never forgotten this my whole life and that is… if you pierce a needle into a Potato and take it out the juice that appears on the needle itself has UN-COUNTABLE micro-organism… YES just the juice on the needle, you can imagine how many micro-organism’s a complete potato would have.
By the way i would encourage all to please post more of such questions, which will help us understand Jainism a little better.
Changing date of the article to Sep 1 from Jan 25 so that this post appears on frontpage of KV (Nitul’s request). Will change it back to Jan 25 once discussion is over.
I am interested in Aastprakari Puja. I am fine with Sat/mon
i’m also interested in Aastprakari puja. anyday is fine.
So let’s finalize the event for Monday for Aastaprakari Puja. Is 11:30 AM fine with everyone ?
For Aastaprakari Puja, you will need to get following things to Deraser
1> Choka (Rice)
2> Naived (Sweet)
3> Fruit
Dhoop, Deep are available at Deraser.
Miloni and Rushabh will be there for the pooja
Param and I will be there for the pooja.
Nitul……Thanks! for conducting the Puja. Here are some pictures that I clicked…..
Nice Photos Manish and Kudos to Nitul. 🙂
Thanks Manish for posting the pictures.