New script developed for 10 tribal languages!

Just read about this article and could not stop admiring the genius of this guy. I dont even know half as many languages and he atleast knows English and Telgu in addition to these 10 languages which were like kutchi – spoken but not written.


  1. wow! I did not know that people still CREATE scripts. If someone were to create a kutchi script, I wonder what kind of symbols should they use? I guess most of our ancestors were farmers? so maybe symbols related to farming?

    Of course the “practical” people among us will say why waste time! :). But that goes the same with many art forms as well. So its a much larger debate i guess. The general is response would be that DIVERSITY is the keyword here. As a society we ought to try to maintain diversity though unfortunately the standardization of pretty much everything including “measurement of happiness” 🙂 in US has played a major role in their productivity improvements and hence prosperity.

    BTW….one correction, you mentioned a guy but its a SHE who is doing this

  2. Manish, Dr. Vashanji Nagda and few others are working on creating Kutchi script.

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