Going all the way – Completing the Last Step

Many of us have ideas from time to time. We conceptualize, research, and plan. But often we falter during the last step which is implementation. Sometimes we just fail to find motivation for the actual implementation or for some reason or the other fail to go all the way.

I find myself faltering at the last step sometimes and then i regret it.

As an example, some of us may think we goto an event this weekend (hike, yoga, city event, company event). But when the actual morning comes we sometimes get lazy and say maybe not today. Some other time. And then we may find out how much the actual event was. 🙂

As another example, Leena was feeling lazy yesterday to come to the roller skating on a weekday. Upon reaching there she felt awkward on seeing all the expert skaters out in the ring. But she managed to push herself to go into the ring and she was rewarded with a one -on – one training by the nice skating teacher. She skated the whole session then and i think I can safely say that she must have been glad that she did not falter at the last step – “implementation”. 🙂

Of course this is not related to events but is applicable to other things like ideas also. One of my personal resolutions this year is to try to go all the way wherever possible.

Do you find yourself faltering at the last step sometimes ?


  1. Hey Prashant,

    I think it happens with me as well. But I think one of the reason could be that I want to do too many things. In other words I want to do yoga, hike, work event etc. on the weekend.

    I did not get your resolution.

  2. Prashant,

    Been there, done that!!

    I too many a times have researched, planned and when the final decision has to be made have procrastinated or delayed the implementation.
    The thing that I have found helpful is breaking up the implementation in smaller tasks. For example at HP we have this speaker series where people from other companies such as Whole Foods, FaceBook, some startups come to talk about their experiences. I always wanted to go for the talks but at the last moment some thing came up, or I was just lazy or I procrastinated. Now I have decided to attend “atleast one” speech a month. This way you do not regret and also feel good as you went all the way to complete your decision.

    The bottomline is: Divide and conquer

  3. Neelam, the resolution is to complete all the steps. :-). Not to falter at the implementation stage. Keep pushing myself so that i act on the planning which has been done already.

  4. Prassy, I’m glad I didnt falter on the previous impl but wavering on another implementation now 🙁

  5. A technique that sometimes works is if you announce your plans to everyone, then you will make all attempts to see if thru’, to save yourself from public embarassment if you dont :-).

  6. Leena, I have tried your technique before and it did work.

  7. Leena, we have unknowingly followed the technique (of announcing our plans) and it has worked for us.

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