Posterous, Tumblr – Easy ways to blog

If you are interested to play around with blogs but feeling too lazy to setup a blog and find the process of adding photos and video to blog very cumbersome, try out and which simplify the process of blogging.

I have tried posterous and find that its really easy. You just need to send email to and your blog will be created and posted. They have integrations with other social networks like flickr, twitter, etc so that you can post once and it will appear at multiple places. If your email contains audio, photos, video posterous will smartly detect that and present the multi-media in a nice way.

Currently I am using posterous for filing interesting emails that i get from various people. I remove the email addresses of course before posting.

Here is the list of posterous of KV folks that I know of: (Paras is currently modifying this one to point to his own domain. So it should be working soon).

It has other nice features like if you want to post to just flickr then just send email to It will post just to flickr and not to other social sites that you have given permission for.

I have not played with Tumblr a whole lot. But it is also similar.

Here is a comparision of the two:

If you do create a blog on one of these sites, feel free to put blog link here.

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