Upma – Your spin on it?

Recently I had Upma with broccoli mixed in it and it tasted good. Now I am a Upma fan and I realized that each family has a slightly different way of preparing Upma. In that sense, its something like Pizza, where you can try putting different toppings on it. The base is the same in every house but the “toppings” are different.

What is your spin on Upma? I know that Dimple puts corn, and other veggies in it (which Dimple will elaborate).


  1. I put shredded cabbage along with corn, tomatoes, peas etc. While eating Upma, we sometimes put pomegranate seeds, sev etc. Of course having Upma with the coconut and daliya chutney is also another way of eating it.

    Pizza : when we make it at home, I put cut corriander as a topping and it tastes really good. (an Indian spin 🙂 )

  2. SouthIndians have Upma as the filling with Moongdal dosa. I cannot recollect what is the name of such dosa, but it tastes awesome

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