KV Sports Day 2009

What would be a suitable day for KV Sports Day 2009. Should it be in Aug or defer till Sept?

This is a pure “Games” event with no emphasis on food. :-). No time wasting on food related activities. 2-3 hours of pure games and fun.

Just like last year we will meet around 4pm and play some organized sports (races, etc) and games. There Will be sports for Kids as well.

Afterwards we will goto a restaurant to eat dinner together. Along with the Day please give suggestions for restaurant also.

The venue will mostly be the same: Lakewood Park in Sunnyvale.

Based on the various other events happening in the community, Possible Dates are :
Sat, Aug 8th (conflicts with jcnc anniv celebrations)
Sun, Aug 9th
Sat, Sep 12
[Aug 16th – Aug 23rd is Pajushan. So that is out]

Or we can skip the Sports Day altogether this year too.

Here is the last year’s Sports Day report


  1. Anyday is fine with us.

  2. Any date between Aug 9th or Sep 12th is fine.

  3. Sep.. that way I get 2 months to practice
    Good call Prashant with the “no food” policy. Only nutritious gathias allowed.

  4. prefer 8/9 or 9/12

  5. Sept 12. How about including a bicycle race event ?

  6. Sports Day will be on Sat, Sept 12 at around 3.30 pm. Exact Time to be decided later.

  7. Since Navratri is around the corner and Diwali Practice sessions will begin post-Labor day (in addition to pathshala starting and schools starting), I dont think its feasible to have a Sports Day this year. Maybe we can try next year.

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