Black – The Indian Musical Orchestra by Blind artists

Recently I went to the Jaina Convention 2009 in Los Angeles (a separate post on the convention itself). As part of the evening entertainment program, they had called an group called “Black” – an Indian muscial orchestra. The unique thing about this orchestra is that all the artists in the orchestra are blind. (The drummers, the dholis, the keyboard players, the flute player, singers, and even the announcer).

It was an evening that I will never forget. Simply awesome music and singing. Even a normal orchestra would not be able to match this. One of the singers “Shravan” had this unique ability to sing in the male voice as well as the female voice. It was truly mind-boggling. The flute player was simply superb dealing with as many as 4 flutes for a song.

They have some public shows here in the USA. If you come across a show I would urge you not to miss it. It would be an evening that you will not forget.

I tried to find information on the internet but there is not much available. I am posting below whatever little I could find:

Shravan one of the singers has also appeared in Sony TV’s Entertainment show and here is one of the clips:

Here is the promo of one of their shows on youtube:

I will post more information on this group if I find it. They did say that they have a public show in Los Angeles in July. I will try to find about the Bay Area.

Here is a link to their flyer for show in Boston:


  1. I saw these artisits in Long Beach yesterday, and I would tell you, it is one the best concert I have ever seen. These are truly imensely talented group of artists, and I feel very lucky to be blessed with shower of their talents. Kavita, just like I regret that there is not much about them on the web, but hopefully they will get their recognition thrught word of mouth.

    God bless them. I love duet by Shravan, flute and the the lady singer, and handsome Hitrick clone.

    Trule ust see concert for everyone. Feast to your ears and soul.

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