I dont tweet much (on twitter) but since twitter is in the news, I thought this is how my tweets would look if I was an avid twitter.
Thu-Jun 18, 8pm – “Less than 24 hours left. Tomorrow is the Big Day. I hope I have gathered all things to be taken. Will everything fit in the car”.
Fri-Jun 19, 9am – “Today is the BIG day. The process started way back in Jan and finally Jun 19 is here”.
Fri-Jun 19, 5pm – “Oh no Leena called from Store. She is not finding the right sour cream and Dimple is not here. Keep mind calm and THINK. ”
Fri-Jun 19, 6.10 pm – “Ambe Maa ki Jai. On the way to Camping. I hope I closed the garage door. Surely there is something that i must have forgotten”.
Fri-Jun 19, 7.30pm – “Entered the park. Whew, the registration process seems simple enough. Most folks should be able to get in without problems. But what is with the light. So little light coming down here. Due to those tall tall trees. And so cold. Did we make a mistake in choosing this camp site”.
Fri-Jun 19 7.45pm – “No cell phone signal inside. Now we are blocked from the world and vice-versa. I hope the one-nighters have no more further questions and are able to figure things out. Cannot do much now. Time to keep away the phone”.
Fri-Jun 19, 8pm – “Quite a few folks have made it before us. Now where should we do the camp-center. This site or that site. Took inputs from few people about plus and minus points and then decided on site 19 as camp center. Time for group Dinner”.
Fri-Jun 19, 9pm – “Feeling less cold now. Hey, these campsites are not bad after all. Got the news that a raccoon found its way in someone’s car (door was open). Lets see how bad the raccoon problem really gets”.
Fri-Jun 19, 10.15pm – “Having fun singing songs. PRobability of Ranger arriving real good”.
Fri-Jun 19, 1030 pm – “Ranger arrived and quietened us. Time to retire for some people. Visited the restroom. Surprised to find no door to Mens restroom. Half expecting to find a racoon occupying the restroom. :-). Fortunately racoons are around but not challenging us. “.
Fri-Jun 19, 11pm – Time for medavo under the night sky. One or two raccoon loiter around out of sight but they are harmless. Jayesh seems to have sixth sense about when a raccoon is around. ”
Fri-Jun 19, midnight – “Its so cold in the tent. Was not so cold outsite. What was that noise? Was that a racoon”
Sat-Jun 20 6am – “Not a bad night. But did not sleep that peacefully also due to cold. Cannot sleep anymore. let me explore the campsite. Others are still sleeping”.
Sat Jun 20 8am – “Showers are hot and quaint. Loved them”.
Sat Jun 20 9.30am – “Time to show the kids some tree stumps and hollow trunks and get them excited about them”.
Sat Jun 20 10.00 am – “Hiten and Ami should be here soon. They were planning to start early. Hiked to amphitheater and swimming hole. Nice place to hang out in afternoon. Swimming hole looks like a let down. Too shallow for swimming and water is cold”.
Sat Jun 20 11 am – “Trees are so much fun to climb. ”
Sat Jun 20 noon – “Kaushal is here. Food is here. Everyone is hungry”.
Sat Jun 20 1.30 pm – “Oh no, Food seems to be a little less. We still have some people coming. Time to ration the remaining food or take out alternative food. This is my worst nightmare coming true :-(“.
To be Continued …..
Feel free to enter (via comments) any specific thought that popped into ur mind along with the approximate time. 🙂
On Fri 1.00pm Prashant” I think KV site may just come down and what will people do without campsite address let me just send an email copy”
Sorry its Friday…….but I think its really very thoughtful for taking care of minutest details so everyone has such great memories and they all look forward for the next year
Thabks for keeping our names in mind ….:)
It was fun read with detailed info..