Smash a Slogan

This is a camping game which starts right away.
Phase 1 of the game is writing a creative slogan/punch line & selecting one slogan from all the entries. Phase 2 is Smashing this selected slogan at campsite.

When can camper Smash this slogan?
Whenever you spot a camper not being GREEN at campsite. 🙂

We would like to promote GREEN and suggesting all campers to utilize reusable Plates, water bottle & reusable glasses for hot/cold beverages.
You can Shout this slogan, whenever you see somebody using paper glass at campsite. Or anyother non-GREEN action 😉


  1. Hey you-

    “You’re MEAN to the SCENE
    LEARN to GO GREEN” 🙂

  2. Be Clean… Go Green.

  3. Think… before you Throw !!! Go Green

  4. Go green Or Go home !!!

  5. Go Green.. Go Green

    In cheer leading tone which Chandler’s (Friends) dance step 😉

  6. “Pritam…Go Green…Pritammmmmmm Go Greeeen…” (sing in the “Pritam Aan milo” raga) 🙂 🙂

  7. GO GREEN GO GREEN…u can join my team….

  8. We have some good, hilarious one. Difficult to choose just one, may be we can choose two.
    Let the voting beginning. New entries can continue to join in.

    1. “You’re MEAN to the SCENE
    LEARN to GO GREEN” 🙂
    2. Be Clean… Go Green.
    3. Think… before you Throw !!! Go Green
    4. Go green Or Go home !!!
    5. Go Green.. Go Green
    In cheer leading tone which Chandler’s (Friends) dance step 😉
    6. “Pritam…Go Green…Pritammmmmmm Go Greeeen…” (sing in the “Pritam Aan milo” raga) 🙂
    7. GO GREEN GO GREEN…u can join my team….

  9. “Pritam … Go Green” might sound better if changed to “Pritam … Green Baano” 🙂

  10. Pritam – Paryavaran ki suraksha karo 🙂 in line with Samir’s suggestion for hindi slogan.

  11. For Girls it should be
    Sheetal … Go Green Sheetal – Paryavaran ki suraksha karo Sheetal… Tum aisa kaise kar sakte ho 😀

  12. last message was from me

  13. – “Karo Kachra bano bakra”
    – “Kachru!!!” (the one who brings junk to the campsite.

  14. Since we have English/Hinglish versions – might has well have Kutchhi version also 🙂
    “Preeiam / Sheetal lillotri banno” 🙂

  15. Bhavesh more like
    “Preeiam / Sheetal lillotri bachayo”

    Y! uses – Harit Karu (in sanskrit) for their indian version.

  16. Kamper 2011 – Let’s pick new juicy slogan for this year 🙂

  17. K – KV Campers,Rangers
    A – All in high spirits
    M – Madu, Meva, Medavo, Masti
    P – Pav Bhaji Khaenge
    I – Its been a decade
    N – Never qui-te
    G – Going Green, Going Camping…

  18. good one Nilesh!

  19. nicely put nilesh, i vote for 5 and 6

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