Baby Food what and when to give?

Nivriti is 5 months and 2 weeks old……its probably time to start semi solid food. Although Doctors here recommend 6 months and later. So when did you first start giving your baby semi solid food?
Another dilemma is what to start with. Traditionally people in India start with rice, water dal water or tomato soup. Pediatricians recommend no tomatoes till the baby is one year. Did you add salt/sugar/jaggery to baby food?
Its all so confusing and conflicting.
So what did you first give your baby?


  1. I introduced Mithil to semi solid food when he was almost 6 months old (may be little less). I gave him first two spoons of wheat sheera as tradition says, & then started with rice water(gave him for 3 days/ once a day), then satrted dal water(once a day for 3 days along with rice water)& then gave him semi boiled apple once a day. so he used to have dal water in the morning, then apple sauce in afternoon & rice water in evening. Slowly started introducing other fruits, vegge’s & grains. I was not giving him any salt or sugar till 10 months. In Dal water i used to add little hing & haldi. when he was 8 months old i gave him one Glucose biscuit dipped in milk everyday in breakfast along with cereals. this was filling his stomach & it helped me in maintaing 2 hour gave between his solids.

  2. I started Nupur with veggies and fruits from 6-9 months like bananas, avocados, boiled carrots, apples (hands down favorite) pumpkin, sweet potatoes. By the time they are 9 months old you want to have 2 different colored veggies and at least 1 fruit in the day and then start dal water and rice or rice cereal when required.

  3. Here is a similar question asked by Leena but for a 9 month old:

  4. on a ligher note:
    – a paani puri a day keeps stomach bugs away
    – two idlis a week for chubby cheeks


  5. Our pediatrician recommends, starting solid after completing 6 months. We followed his plan for Kairavi & planning to do same for Suravi. He gives printed schedule of how to begin and what order to go in. It starts with one time rice cereal for 4-5 days then Oat, Wheat and others. Once you are done with each cereal type, switch to breakfast cereal and one meal yellow vegetables. Then green vegetables. Then Fruits. He suggests keeping sweet easily adoptable fruits for end. Give each new vegetable/fruit for consecutive 3-4 days. Not to mix up couple of items till this cycle is over, for easy identification of allergies if any. After that vast world of food opens up. Did not add any salt/sugar to food for long time.

  6. No salt/sugar until they start eating our food. Used to add jaggery in the nachni sheera. Rice cereal is the easiest to digest and so is moong dal/rice water. I started with moong dal water, rice cereal, followed by veggies and then followed by fruits. Pediatricians in india as well as here now recommend starting semi solid foods after 6 months of age. As Dimple has said all pediatrician’s follow the similar pattern of one food at a time for few days etc. You can start mixing up things after couple of single foods, if you think baby has been taking them ok, but make sure you remember every time you introduce a new food or a combination of foods.

  7. As per the pediatrician, if you start giving solids earlier than 6 months there is a chance of baby developing allergy to a particular food item.

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