Feature Requests

This is a permanent post which will reside in the footer of the home page. If you have ideas for Kutchvalley.com or feature requests please put them here.


  1. Can we have edit(to modify the description etc) feature available for videos as well ?

  2. Link to Monthly calender view of upcoming events.

  3. “img” tags now work in comments. Basically if you want to put a image as part of ur comment just use < img src="url"> in your comment.

    you can either link to existing img on web or upload a image to KV through My Account > Posts > Media > Add New

  4. You will now need to be logged in to contribute to most parts of the website. You can change your display name by going to your profile page and changing your nickname and then choosing the desired dropdown name from the “Display name publicly as” option.

  5. I found out a library that we can use to make the text area with full blown word editor.

    I recently came across CKEditor which would allow us to do this.
    Check this out http://ckeditor.com/demo

    I think it will be great edition to the KV site plus it will make KV site more colorful with all colored text instead of black ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. A feature request to post comments via emails ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. A feature request to see the date associated with past shouts. Help put the shout in some sort of context in the past.

  8. Email notifications to all those who have commented on a post.

  9. Yup. Email notifications to all those who commented on a post is top of the list. And this is the plugin that we will use for that : http://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/allow-your-users-to-subscribe-to-comments-in-wordpress/

  10. Stock Tickers of companies Kutchis work in and provide top 5 gainers of the day on the site.

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