I heard about StumbleUpon. It helps you stumble into sites based on your interests. I found it to be pretty cool. You just have to click on “Stumble! button on your browser toolbar and it will redirect you to a random website based on the interests you have specified.
- Articles (5)
- Cooking Recipes (37)
- Events (156)
- Finance (20)
- Food (111)
- Fun (154)
- Games (32)
- General (673)
- Health (28)
- India (30)
- Information (241)
- Interesting (37)
- Kids (56)
- Kutch-Kutchi (36)
- M&M – (Masti & Majak) (65)
- Movies (18)
- News (64)
- Photo Blog (47)
- Point of interest (68)
- Product Reviews (9)
- Questions (85)
- Quotes (31)
- Religion (19)
- Restaurants (72)
- Technology (42)
- Thoughts (52)
- Vacation Destinations (51)
- Video Blog (14)
- Wishes (16)
- Young Authors (4)
I am just glad that I exist in the internet age. Give me an internet enabled computer and I will never be bored even though I may be alone.
Sites like StumbleUpon make it real easy to find other interesting sites.