In camping, we have taken pre roasted rava & prepared Upma for breakfast by just cooking with hot water on spot. Have you tried same thing with rice cooker? Cook preroasted rava in rice coooker with water? I might experiment on weekend but thought to ask around before that if somebody has already attempted it.
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We had tried it. Its very convenient. But the only problem is warming up the water is taking long time. I was thinking for hot water to use microwave or gas and than put it in rice cooker. It will be quicker.
Thanks Kalpana. will call you for more details.
I have done it several times. You can also do tomato sabzi and khichadi when u go out of town with parents .
Have made tea and coffee (desi style) while we were out of town.
Tea/coffee in rice cooker…wow.. doesn’t it overflow? More experiment for this weekend.
Pardon my ignorance, but what’s the advantage of making it in rice cooker ?
Leena in a hotel room there are no stoves. :-). If you take a rice cooker you can prepare various things in it.
If you are outside and want to drink indian tea then rice cooker may be a good alternative as per the discussion above.
What about single coil electric stove? I have never used one but have seen them on walgreen’s ads for $10/$12. Not sure, if they are still around.
We have single coil electric stove and have used it during couple of trips in past to prepare Tea, Cheese macroni, Tin Soup. With that tough number of utensiles and items increases. Hence was thinking to try out rice cooker this time which doesn’t need much attension after start.
Upma experiment went successful. Based on Neelam’s tips used 1 cup rava = 3 cup water. When done, initially felt little watery but as it cool down a bit got proper consistency.
The rice cooker tip for khichdi helped. Didn’t have to take the single coil burner. Also used the rice cooker to warm milk. Btw can you post the tips for making Tea as well 🙂
For making Tea I mixed milk, sugar and tea bags (no water) in rice cooker. Initially covered the cooker with the lid as milk started boiling uncovered and stirred continuously. I had to filter the tea as some particals of tea from tea bags were present in the tea.
Same way made Coffee.
I made tea in cooker same way as we make at home. First let water, tea bags, sugar boil as bit. Then add milk. Boil some more. You will need strainer as some tea leafs comes out of bags. Unplug cooker & remove pan once done, otherwise u will kadak tea :-). You can also make tea & warm up milk in hotel’s coffee maker, if coffee maker has hot plate to keep pot warm.
Actually it is convenient to warm up the milk in coffee maker in the container in the bottom when u are travelling and then put the tea in the milk that you get in Indian store.
You can also make pulav, curd rice when u go out of town