To Skin or Not to Skin that is the question

Dont worry we are chatting about skin of fruits and vegetables and not of people. Which fruits do you dont mind eating with the skin on? Which food do you prepare with the skin not peeled off?


  1. My college roommate in Tennessee (who was a doc) used to prefer cooking aloo subzi with the skin on. Since the skin contains some nutrition also.

  2. Persimmon is one fruit that i like to eat without the skin. I have seen people eating it with the skin on also.

    I dont mind Apples, Peru, etc with the skin on.

  3. I prefer Apple, Chickoo with skin.

  4. I definately like to remove watermelon and pineapple skin….chill am bored and waiting for a ride back home

  5. prefer kiwi fruit with skin along with apple, pear

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