So, we have all seen the KOJAIN directory from a few years back. While there is useful information in the directory, I am sure we all see it in a different light. So here is an attempt to put some constructive thinking into making the next one better than the current one (which by the way is with the printers at the time of this posting). The thought for this was primarily driven by a comment from Simta’s dad yesterday when he asked why the parent’s names were not printed in full – you might recollect that the directory contains only the middle initial and not the full name of the parent/husband. Now the point behind this was that our elders reading the directory would more readily recognize the parent’s name as opposed to the children’s name. So, here is your chance to shape the future (of the directory). Another suggestion was proposed this year but was turned down since there was not enough time to get approvals/votes – this suggestion was to add a section in the directory listing names and birth year of all children that are above the age of 21 and unmarried – for one of the main purposes that the directory is used for 🙂
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Along with parents/husbands name – girls parents names should also be included. Also recently had a chance to view the latest directory from bidada gaam. They have pictures in it too for the primary household couple. Seems like a good idea for a gaam ji directory. Not sure if it would be good for NA directory