Please post of any interesting thanksgiving deals that you know of here.
This thanksgiving we are in town 🙂 and hopefully we can grab at least some of the good deals around. Last thanksgiving we are a bit late in stepping out and by that time everything was gone. Needless to say we have never woken up really early to shop on thanksgiving. Lets see whether this thanksgiving we can muster the motivation to wake up early and join the maddening crowd.
But before that please post some deals to motivate us. 🙂
I am sure you have checked out the deals for Black Friday at the link provided by Tushar.
If you go to Circuit City – please get the following for us (2 of each, if possible):
Racing Wheel for Wii – $2.99
Wii Sports Set – $9.99
p.s. What time would you like to set up your wake up call for? 🙂
I always wanted to try out the Wii. Maybe I will drop by your home one of these days.
Childrens Place Coupon
Banana Republic
Me too is in for the WII – Get 2 of them if u get hold of them 🙂
Prashant, if there is any deal for washer, dryer, and refrigerator pls buy for us. You can put everyone else’s stuff in the washer so that it is easier for you to carry everything back. 😉
If you are really looking for some deals for Wii – K-Mart and F.Y.E are selling them at list price $ 249. Yep, that’s what they call deal these days.
If you need anyone to stand in line for you, I am for hire at $8/hr (it’s a bargain).
Wishing you happy shopping.
This seems like a good site.
Someone in Yahoo passed around this Excel file of Store Deals along with MRP and Sale Price.
Any idea from the expert Thanksgiving shoppers about how much time before the Door Opening time do you need to be present there?
If doors open at 5am, would being there at 4am guarantee the door buster items?
prashant: all depends on what item(s) you plan to buy.
Targetting a GPS and Printer. GPS is a doorbuster item in Pepboys (80$) and Radioshack (150$) as per the Excel file above.
We r looking for a good camcorder. Anyone have any recommendations ?
Rohit – The Wii is not on a deal @ 249.99. it is the regular price now-a-days in every store (if you can get it).
Read an article some guy in fremont willing/planning to stand for the Best Buy TV deal from Thursday 3.00 PM onwards 🙂
You are welcome to swing by our house to check out the Wii anytime (post thanksgivings – since we are leaving town tomorrow). Only catch is that you must bring Kairavi with you as well :).
Will post updated list after reviewing Excel file in the evening.
For all you bargain hunters out there – Good luck.
Jaideep, how has your experience been with the Sony HD camcorder ?
Mission Accomplished. :-). Got my hands on a GPS and a printer. Went at 5.40am to Radioshack. Queue was not much since its a small store. Other stores nearby had huge queues. Got in and out of Radioshack pretty quickly.
Got stuck in Office Depot line-to-pay (bought printer) for more than 1 hour.
Stood in Kohl’s queue for about 25 mins.
Overall a good experience including chatting with people in the queue. In addition to the savings, the thrill of being out early morning among hundreds of shoppers will motivate me again next year to repeat the exercise. 🙂
Hi Prashant,
Glad to know you had a good experience and got the stuff you wanted. Since you did not write about it, guess you did not get the Wii for Bhavesh and the accessories for us nor the washer and dryer :).
Leena (XLF14),
Our experience with the HD Camcorder has been good. No complaints.