How much H2O do u drink in a day??

It is suggested to drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday. Some of us are natural drinker. Some make conscious effort to accomplish that mark. And there could be also some who (un)knowingly ignore this recommendation & assume their intake of Juice/Soda/Tea/Coffee during the day substitute for 8 glasses of water.

So are u 1) Natural Water drinker 2) Make sure you drink enough water during the day or 3) withstand long periods without water.
What routine works for you? Share your practice with others. May be some from group 3) might get awaken & embarked this healthy cause.

I could say that I am natural water drinker. I tend to drink more water while at work then at home. I just now finished whole bottle as I am writing this article. I have 20oz water bottle at work and daily guzzle around 3+. Associated action of going for refills also gives much needed ergonomic break to body and sitting posture & of course all the water-cooler chat.


  1. On a normal day I dont drink water at all. I know thats a bad habit but i dont feel as thirsty.

  2. Did anyone ask the poor horse ?????

  3. I developed the habit of drinking a lot lot of water while pregnant. From then on, I’ve become a natural water drinker.
    I don’t count anymore, but may it be at home or work, I do fill up & drink lot of bottles.

    Both Jeinay and me need a bottle by the side of our bed and always when we step out of home.

  4. Fall in the natural water drinker category, but definitely drink more water @work then @home. Prashant, do you drink other things than water on a normal day??

  5. Most of the times, I do drink some juice with dinner. With Lunch I do intake some liquid but it may not be water all the time (Can be Soda/Juice).

  6. Natural water drinker. like dimple and bhavini.. drink more at work then home.

  7. The horse is out of the barn (Thanks Sneha)… prashant is trying to drag it to the pond… so do your bit… show him how to drink water.

  8. “Thanks Sneha” is a good punchline. :-). I hope everyone got the joke. ;-). Nice one jeegs.

  9. As per a response in our internal mailing list –
    “Also, recent research has shown that even 8 glasses of water per day may be too much for some people, and actually bad. That long standing belief that you need at least 8 glasses a day (which you dramatically exceed) it turns out was based on…nothing at all, and you can overdose on water (a woman died recently from that). IMHO, if your body tells you it’s had enough water, in most cases you should listen to it. That said, I naturally drink a few glasses per day, and I sure do feel better if I drink a few more. 😉 But not 12.”

    I googled and found these several links where people had died of water overdose. IMHO, your body will tell you when you had enough. There is no golden rule that applies to everyone.

  10. Research indicates that Water intake has little to do with your thirst. Most often thirst is actually perceived as hunger. The body need water to digest food and cleanse your system. Typically if you have acne/ digestive issues and any skin issues the docs ask you to first increase your water intake.

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