Guess whose Eyes are these?

Can u guess whose eyes are these?



  1. Hmmmmm … they look like mine, but I am not sure, since they rarely see themselves 😉 Can’t seem to recollect which photo that is though.

  2. Gabbar .. ?

  3. One Man Army???

  4. Sanket or Kalpesh.

  5. Prashant sir, sahi jawab kya hai?

  6. Jatin ?

  7. Prashant when will the answer be revealed? My answer – Jatin as well.

  8. Initially I felt dejected. And was going to post that from next time I would just post 1 eye since people were guessing it quickly. :-). But seeing the later “wrong” impressions overall this was not a total failure.

    At least this is a good way of finding out whose eyes are similar looking. The answer is


    So now we know that eyes of Sanket, Kalpesh, Jatin probably look similar.

    (Photo taken from the Deer Hollow Farm Hike earlier this year). Watch out for more of such kind !!!

  9. I was thinking it to be the Well Wisher’s eyes

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