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This is an Ad for Dr. Smita Gala: “Teeth troubling you? We will make your troubles vanish (along with your teeth too) !!!” 🙂
Bhavesh: I always told you to brush your teeth twice a day you never listen to me and always run away to mama…
Arya: Dad!! forget all that and help me.
Bhavesh: ok wait… Prerna get me the pakad please…
Arya: PAKAD !! Dad lets go to Smita Aunty’s clinic.
Bhavesh: Can’t go there she is out of network beta, and don’t worry i have done this before.
Arya: :(((((((
Is Thapad ki guunj tujhe pareshan karegi, Thakur.
Mera Gabbar baap tujhe nahin chodega.
BhaveshG to Arya: “Mard ko nahi hota Dard”.
“Gandhigiri is proving expensive for my teeth. How many times should I keep showing my left cheek to other boys at school when they hit on my right cheek at first?”
Prerna: I told you not to mess up with my friends…
Arya: “OMA, Is Thapad kee Gunj Tumhe bahut Zor se and salo tak sunhai padage…” ->>> Reference: Dr. Dang (Anupam Kher in Karma) tells this to Dilip Kumar in Karma… When Dilip Kumar having fun in a party (Song: Tu mera karma..) has to leave the party abruptly to come back to jail when Dr. Dang slaps a policeman….
Ooh Aah Ouch…Iodex Maliye kaam pe chaliye