We received our first check from Google for the ads that we display on our website. It was for 111$. Thanks to everyone for supporting some of our advertisers.
Our revenue will continue from those ads. I will put up an expense report on the site (accessible only to logged in users) which will indicate how this money gets spent. Most of the initial money will be used to recover costs of the website hosting.
We had started this monetization in the beginning of Feb 2007. Here is the post related to that.
Good Job KV. Keep it Up.
Almost a Nelson, eh? All the KVites should jump thrice- a la Dicky Bird 🙂
More writers = more visitors = more revenue (so me thinks) .
Write more VisitKV More and each time you visit click on one of the Google Ads and go …….
Prashant, do we get money every time an ad is displayed, or only when some one clicks on it? Please clarify … it’ll help us maximise revenues 😉
We get revenue when someone genuinely interested in the ads clicks on them.
Our official position is that please don’t randomly click on any ads everyday. That MAY deactivate our account if any fraudulent clicks are noticed. So if you see something that you want to explore more then only click on it.