Few days back I remember reading that Prashant was looking forward to bet on something. So just to fulfill his wishes 🙂 … how about everyone writes down 5 shares that they think will do good in coming few months with reasons. Just to motivate everyone winner gets the title as KV ShareKhan for 2007 :-).
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Was Wondering if anyone has idea on how to deal with IPO’s what account do we need to invest in it, what are the minimum requirements,etc….
alright, Sneha is getting ready for VMware IPO. 🙂
Hemal some people already selected their stocks in a previous post.
I missed that was in India that time — thanks Prashant for informing me.
I had my eye on AMZN and AAPL 4-5 months back. Dimple even recommended buying AAPL at 91. Can you imagine how sick I feel right now ? :-((
AMZN is up by 25% today. Booo Hooo…
Apple would have been a good buy considering the fact that iPhone was supposed to be released.