Here is a tip that is a real life saver. The linked document (pdf) highlights the 2 easy steps to do when suspecting the onset of a heart attack. While this is not a substitute for immediate medical attention, this might jolly well be the steps that keep one going till the necessary help arrives. Golden rule for emergencies in the US – call 911 EARLY.
How to survive a Heart Attack when you are alone
Do share this with friends and family.
Thanks Jaideep. That was helpful and extremely useful. Simple techniques as this could go a long way.
This is also a good time to ask the question “Who here has taken basic First Aid / CPR classes?”. I have been meaning to but never got around to it yet.
If you have taken them, please recommend a good place to take them.
The reverse info: “What to do when watching someone have a heart attack” should also be refreshed from time to time.
Urban legend which has been circulating the net from 1999
Thanks to Bhavesh for providing the link to this in urban legends. Reading through the article makes it clear that this is not something that doctors are willing to endorse nor are they saying that this is absolutely the wrong thing to do. So, guess the right thing to do is probably to check this with your physician the next time you see him/her and then update this thread.
Another thing that became clear in the urban legen posting was the fact that the recommended home remedy is the chewing of a 325 mg Aspirin tablet if one suspects the onset of a heart attack.
As with all medical aspects – it should be a good practice to validate the same with a medical professional.
And as always in a life threatening emergency call 911 ASAP.
On the question posed by Prashant, I have taken the CPR/AED training at work and am also an active member of the MERT (Medical Emergency Response Team) in my company. It is required by California law, I think, that companies with an on-site staff above a certain number, must have an employee based ERT or MERT team and that this team be trained on a regular basis by a Professional organization. In our case this is provided for by Life Safety ( We have a 90 minute meeting with an instructor from Life Safety every month.
Good to know that Jaideep is trained in basic first aid and CPR. In times of emergencies during group outings always helpful to know who is the best person to consult rather than trying to listen to everyone.
Yes, thx Jaideep. That’s very helpful