The Tax Assignment is probably an assignment meant to remind us of our school days when we had assignments to complete and deliver on a certain date. This gives everyone some topic to discuss at Feb-Apr parties.
Just like school, there are some studious and sincere students who complete their assignment weeks in advance and then there are those who burn the mid-night oil just on the deadline date. (We got done 4 days before THE DATE).
Now that the exam is over, there is bound to be a sense of “freedom” just like in school days. Congrats to Ameeta Gala too. She should be having the most sense of freedom and probably has plans to party around with Sanjay2 this coming week and weekend.
Ofcourse, I feel relieved but at the same time for me, it is more like a hobby class assignment than a study class assignment. I certainly enjoy doing it.
Ameeta- No more excuses for you. When is the party?