Psychiatry – A Group Game

From time to time, We play various group games and many of us are also searching for group games to play during our various parties. With that mind, have introduced a new Category called “Games” which will contain different games that can be played during any group meetings.

Hopefully Amisha will be a big contributor to this. 🙂

Recently we played a game called “Psychiatry”. Here are the details:

A person (lets call him the doctor) is asked to leave the room and the remaining people in the room have to decide on ONE imaginary Symptom that all of them will act out. Then the person who went out comes in and he/she will start asking questions one by one to all the people. Keeping in mind the symptom decided upon the people have to intelligently answer the person’s question and possibly include the symptom in some indirect way in their answer. If the other people feel that the person answering the question has given a wrong answer then anyone can yell “Psychiatry” and those two people exchange places. Thus now the “doctor” has to keep in mind who spoke false also along with trying to determine the symptom.

The games proceeds with questions and funny answers till the doctor is able to find out the symptom.

For example: The people in room can decide on “obsessive-emailing” symptom. 🙂

When the doctor comes into the room and asks question to first person as “How was your day”. The person can reply “I was not allowed to be online today due to meetings and that makes me upset.” Second question from doctor to another person could be “How do you feel about India losing in cricket today?”. Answer could be “At least I am glad I had my computer on while watching the match”.

When we played the game, We had fun with funny answers.


  1. The name of the game is “Who am I”?

    Stick the paper with any name (of famous politician, actor, actress, prisident..) on the back of a person . All other then read the name on his/her back. The person then can ask question such as “Am I Indian”? “Am I singer”? “Am I actor”?
    And others can answer only in yes or no. So the person also has to ask question which can be answered only as yes or no. And this way find out who am I?

  2. I will post Amisha’s comment as a separate post so that it becomes easier to search for new games.

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