This site gives a listing of all veg and vegan places around the specified place.
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Speaking of vegetarian restaurants, has anyone been to the “Vegetarian House” in San Jose? We were there to check out the eggless cakes but we did not eat there. I was impressed to see an Oriental type restaurant promoting vegetarianism as much. I saw brochures and video tapes about vegetarianism.
Hows the food? Here is their website:
There was one vegetarian chinese restuarant on Murphy and El camino in Sunnyvale..ALthough the menu read more about the non-veg were all veg dishes..with most of the meat replaced by tofu..
Prepackaged stimulated Tofu as replacement for meat sometime contains egg in it. If you go to one of these places, confirm on that.
I have been to Vegetarian House in downtown San Jose. Yes, everything is veggie there. Food is quite good. I don’t remember the exact dish names, but I would recommend the spicy noodle soup and fried banana desert.
BTW, I recently found out that these places make most of these psuedo-meat dishes from glutten (made from wheat), of course tofu is also used. There is a very nice vegan restaurant in San Francisco that I would recommend also. It is called ‘Medicine’. It is a Japanese-Zen-Buddhist fusion food. Their logo is the word ‘maitri’ written is sanskrit. Interesting concept, nice decor. A little pricey though. They are located at: 161 Sutter St (bet Montgomery & Kearney). You can find a review here.,2004,0,0,1,0
Maggie Mudd in San Fransisco offers vegan cakes and icecreams made of soy milk or coconut milk and much more.
We’ve tried this place out and would recommend it.