Hi KV,
First of all i hope all KV tapasvi are in good Saata.
On the auspicious day of Paryushan Parva, we would like to ask for forgiveness for any of our deeds, actions, thoughts or words that may have directly, indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally hurt your feelings in past year. Please forgive us for that.
Swati, Nitul, Rashi and Ruchi.
Michchhami Dukkadam to all!
On this most auspisious occassion of Paryushan Parva, I ask for forgiveness from all, whom I may have knowlingly or unknowingly, by thought, speech or action, caused any hurt, pain or harm.
Michchhami Dukkadam!
Michchhami Dukkadam to all
Micchami Dukkadam to all of you.
Michhami Dukkadam to all KV folks.
Interesting spelling tanslations to map Gujarati onto English – Variations received on KV –
– Michhami Dukkadam
– Micchami Dukkadam
– Michhammi Dukkadham
– Michammi Dukkadum
– Michchhami Dukkadam
– Micchami Dukadam
Good observation Big B 🙂 So which one’s correct as per you?
haha.. Our Web gurus – Yahoo/Google seem to be returning the most number of correct search results for the query “Michhami Dukkadam” 🙂