Aj Asadhi Beej ane Kutchi madu jo navo vare. an divse aa manike Kutchi nave vare ji jiju jiju vadhaiyu…
Panjo Vatan Kutch la karene:
Kheri ,beri ane bavari, Hakada kandha ane bya kakh
Halo bhavar Kutchde halo, jit Madu sava lakh.
Kutchdo khele khalakme, jit mahasagar mein machchh
Jit jit hakado kutchi vase ut diyadi kutch.
Can You please translate this….
Today is Kutchi New Year and i wish you a very happy Kutchi New Year.
I am writing two lines for my village Kutch:
In Kutch, you will find
“Kheri” – One type of jhad with long leaves.(in gujarati it is khakhare jo jhad)
“beri” – ber(fruit) and
“bavari” – (the one we use as dantan in india to brush our teeth)
These are all cheap fruits and the Kavi tells that the land is not fertile and there is no good vegetation here. Then, wat is special about Kutch?
He says “Halo bhavar Kutchde halo, jit Madu sava lakh“. – Welcome my brother to Kutch because each person is worth 1.25 lakhs.
“Kutchdo khele khalakme, jit mahasagar mein machchh
Jit jit hakado kutchi vase ut diyadi kutch.” –
Kutch pradesh plays in the entire universe the same way as a fish plays in the ocean.
Whr one kutchi resides, he creates a kutchi environment around.
So you have all these Kutchi proverbs by heart?
haha. I know some Kutchi proverbs by heart but not all and this post was made by mama on our family blog
Medavo.org and i just copied the same contents and posted it on this blog.