KV Pulse is a quick polls tool intended as a fun way of measuring the KV mindset in various facets of life. Polls can range from the amusingly funny to the somewhat serious types. Examples of both have been put up to demonstrate.
KV Pulse is based on the open source program “xpoll”. To create a poll, you need to be logged in. However to vote you dont need to be logged in. Since the program works off IP address, its possible that both spouses may not be able to vote from the same computer. In this case, wait for a period of 1 day before attempting to vote a second time from the same computer.
The procedure to create a new poll is simple:
1) Use the + sign to goto add a new poll page.
2) Enter the number of options that you want in the poll
3) Give title of the poll and the various options.
4) You can leave all other choices to their default value (Like for example, How often to allow voting from same computer, etc). Hopefully the other choices are self-explanatory.
Will update the Help page to reflect all this information. For the time being to promote it, this has been placed at top middle position. But it will have a new position after 1-2 weeks.
Dont be afraid to experiment and create polls. I can guide you thru the process and delete any test polls that you setup for testing purpose.
Let the Polling and Voting begin…..
FORGOT TO ADD MY NAME DURING VOTING. How do you change it from anon to Amisha.
There is no edit functionality. Since you mentioned it here, I have changed both anons for food related polls to be Amisha. 🙂
Yeah both were me. Thanks. Also we can not seeSunday lunch voting rates when we click the title. Other 2 topics – Sat dinner and milk related votings can be seen just by clicking on the title.
Do you see the “View Results” Link below the Vote button? You can use that to view results of the poll.
Based on which computer you gave your vote from, it may show you the direct results or a voting form.