Recently we saw a increase in the number of automated comment submissions by robots on kutchvalley articles. This is nothing new in the world of blogging.
As you can see from this link this is a well-known problem and there are several plug-ins available to fight the spammers.
We will use One of those plug-ins as a first measure. So from now, if you are not logged in then you will be asked a question while submitting a comment. As long as you answer the question correctly your comment will be submitted.
Its simple enough and hopefully everyone will get the idea.
Sneha since you were logged in you did not see the extra step. If you are logged in you dont have to do anything extra. 🙂
Activating the comment spam tool again since we have started to get some spam again. Let me know if you have problems posting. Mention the Browser name and Version.
Now using a simpler version of the spam control without any javascript or session cookies. This should work for all.