Birds of a feather: Phone Adventures

Currently of course the telemarketer calls have gone down due to the anti-telemarketing bill passed some time back. (Although I have started receiving a few calls again (from India) recently). But back in the days when telemarketers were having a hay time harassing us :-), avoiding them meant coming up with creative excuses and stories.

Do you have an interesting excuse or story related to avoiding someone on the phone? Maybe we can use your excuse in our next conversation with a telemarketer. 🙂

Changing the thread to be the broader “Phone Adventure” rather than the specific “Telemarketers” experience. So if you have had any interesting phone story (like a wrong number, avoiding the telemarketer, etc) you can relate it here.


  1. Since this thread is not getting much love, am changing the thread to be the broader “Phone Adventures” rather than the specific “Telemarketers” experience. So if you have had any interesting phone story (like a wrong number, avoiding the telemarketer, etc) you can relate it here.

    The Post has been updated accordingly.

  2. Let me try to kickstart this thread by relating some interesting phone experiences of mine. Our number is india was 636 1212. Now Sudhakar Bokade (the film-maker) had a similar number (637 1212 or something like that).

    Somewhere it must have got printed that Sudhakar Bokade’s number is 636 1212. As you can imagine we then used to get phone calls for Sudhakarji all the time. “Sudhakarji hai?”. We finally figured out the problem and started giving the right number for Sudhakarji out to people who called us. :-).

    Once Nana Patekar’s mother called for Sudhakarji and my mom picked up the phone. Even though it was a wrong number they got to speaking and chatted for some time. 🙂

    I believe some newbie even called once saying “He has a good film script and would like to discuss it with Sudhakarji”. 🙂

    Who knows which film personalities we spoke to unknowingly?

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