The 2 Musketeers about to embark on a new adventure

[photopress:bhavesh.jpg,thumb,centered] [photopress:jeegar.jpg,thumb,centered]

Our 2 brave bachelor musketeers (The third one ran away to L.A.) are about to take on an adventure of another kind: Marriage. The adventure begins this Chrismas for both these brave men. So In early Jan, we will have 2 new kutchvalley members Deepa (Bhavesh’s better half) and Urmi (Jeegar’s better half) and we look forward to meeting them and assimilating them into the KV family.

Meanwhile as this bastion of bachelorhood falls, we are busy creating other bachelor bastions elsewhere in the Bay Area. We (the males) are recruiting on an ongoing basis so that we have at least some happy faces (read bachelors) around in our midst. 🙂

Jokes apart, here is my advice to these 2 warriors:

If you want your marriage to sizzle,
with love in the loving cup,
whenever you’re wrong, admit it;
whenever you’re right, shut up!

Any words of wisdom to these 2 from the other enlightened ones here at Kutchvalley?


  1. A Wise Man had once said :

    “Every man should get married some time; after all, happiness is not the only thing in life!!

    Bravo to both the bachelors.

  2. Msg for both the Musketeers is…

    Hey Dr. Aasthana and Circuit in the next diwali party we have already planned for the Munnabhi MBBS Part 2 act so u better have a nice really nice honeymoon so that we can have a CHINKI and SHORT CIRCUIT.

    Have a GR8 wedding and Congratulations

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