Holiday Lights In the Bay Area

[photopress:xmasinpark.jpg,thumb,centered] Back in India, during the Ganesh festival we used to reserve one evening for visiting the various Ganpati pandals in different areas to see their decorations and the Ganesh Idols.

Here in the US there are no Ganesh Pandals. However there are Christmas decorations and lightings to see. So now we have switched to reserving one evening for going around and seeing the various Holiday lightings. San Jose Mercury News publishes a list of houses that have the most spectacular displays and we make use of that list to plan our trip.

I have listed some houses with great displays below. Apart from homes, another place to visit for the Xmas theme is San Jose’s Christmas in the Park.

Another place to visit (which we have never been till now) is the Fantasy Of Lights display in Vasona Park. Hopefully we can take out some time this year to make our first trip. This one requires an admission fee however.

Anyway here’s the list of house decorations :

Here are some helpful multipoint maps to help you plan your trip:
1) South Bay (Sunnyvale and Santa Clara) :

375 Los Padres Blvd, Santa Clara –> Layton Street, Santa Clara –> 1164 Tangerine Way, Sunnyvale –> 757 Sheraton Drive, Sunnyvale

The one at 375 Los Padres has been awards from City of Santa Clara for the past 10 years. Its gorgeous. The whole Layton Street looks lighted. The one on Tangerine way has Synchronized music and lights.

2) Easy Bay (Milpitas and Fremont) :

1287 Nieves Court, Milpitas –> Espada Pl. at Zacate Ave, Fremont –> Cripps Place, Fremont

3) South Bay (San Jose) :
2740 Lantz Ave , San Jose –> 836 Tatra Court, San Jose –> 6408 San Anselmo Way, San Jose

Here is a link to the article from SJ Mercury News.

Any Holidays lightings that I missed? If so please update in the comments section.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas.


  1. One place in fremont where they have lights every-year.

    Nicolet Avenue x Fremont Blvd.

    Around 4-5 cross-lanes full of lights with kid’s characters, etc…fun for kids…you can park and walk around…

  2. coool…I’m gonna go check some of these out. Was just wondering about that.

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